

We are pleased to announce (with some embarrassed tardiness) that we have been members in good standing and affiliates of the World Federation Against Drugs for some time now.

Here is the basic mission statement of the WFAD:

WFAD is a multilateral community of non-governmental organizations and individuals. We share a common concern that illicit drug use is undercutting traditional values and threatening the existence of stable families, communities, and government institutions throughout the world. Our aim is to work for a drug-free world.


Every month I am pleased to be part of a teleconference that includes some very sharp minds and wonderful souls from as far afield as Sweden, Argentina, Australia and many points in the USA.

We encourage you to check out the WFAD webpage at wfad.se, and to consider joining this important organization.

It is a great pleasure to learn each month a) that there are so many like-minded people around the globe who believe in sobriety and clear thinking, and b) that there are so many varied and fascinating ways that people can all serve the same broad goals, each in unique and creative ways.

A major salute from Canada to our friends in the World Federation Against Drugs.

Don’t forget that we always welcome new members as individuals or organizations to the Drug Prevention Network of Canada.



Do you believe in the goals of abstinence-based Prevention and Treatment?

If so, we want you to become a full-fledged Member of the DRUG PREVENTION NETWORK OF CANADA.

Our reasons for wanting you to join are simple.

It’s a numbers game.

Governments and private funders in communities across Canada are investing enormous amounts of money in approaches to drug problems that do NOT encourage or support abstinence-based Prevention and Treatment.

The DRUG PREVENTION NETWORK OF CANADA is a small organization with an even smaller budget, and it is not our goal to become a large organization with a big bank account.

But we are rapidly becoming the strongest and clearest voice for clean and sober Prevention and Treatment programs in the media, in communities and in Parliament and local government.

Please join us and become part of that growing voice that calls for more support for solutions that really work.

Download our Membership Application here. and send it back to us by mail or email. If you are an organization, we ask that you contribute $200 for one year. If are an individual, please include $50 for one year.

You will have a vote at our Annual General Meeting, and you will be sent our website and blog regularly where your comments, thoughts and Prevention and Treatment stories will be published if you share them with us. You will be invited to attend conferences and participate whole-heartedly in the issues at hand.

Most importantly, you will become another crucial voice in support of abstinence-based Prevention and Treatment. Your voice will be central in helping more men, women and children avoid or escape the indignities of a life in addictions.

“NGO in SPECIAL consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations”

The Drug Prevention Network of Canada was formed in 2005 to advance abstinence based drug and alcohol treatment and recovery programs, to promote, through education and prevention, healthy lifestyles free of drugs and to oppose the legalization of drugs in Canada. We are a privately funded affiliation of organizations and people who strongly believe in the principles of not using illegal drugs and not abusing legal drugs. We support The United Nations Conventions and Treaties concerning drugs and psychotropic substances and we work actively with like-minded individuals and organizations here in Canada and around the world in the furtherance of these shared goals.

In these pages, you will find a broad range of scientific information, news, opinions and resources across the country to help you make informed decisions about your relationship with both legal and illegal drugs. You will also find the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of places all across Canada to which you can turn if you or someone important to you needs to get free of an addiction.

Controversy over addiction is wracking our communities. It’s a weather front called addictions. Some people believe that free needles, crack pipe kits, and places to shoot up, that is, dispensing the handy tools of self-destruction, is a solution. These enablers want a ready answer to a complex problem. “Give them something to keep them happy; maybe they’ll stop breaking into our homes and cars.” This approach is called Harm Reduction. Of course, it doesn’t work, since it starts from the wrong place and leads to terror, degradation and the eventual death of the addict.

Fortunately, there are others leading addicts to good health, self-respect and self-reliance. These people are in the business of Prevention, Education and Treatment. Our role at DPNC is to be a conduit and a clearing house for such individuals and to bring every possible attention, support and funding to their aid.

Please join us. We are dedicated to helping you, and we know you can help us.